Tuesday 24 May 2016

Piyush Seth, Director of First Medical Services - Why a Mentor is Crucial To Success in Business

Piyush Seth is a healthcare technology leader and entrepreneur based in India. He is the director of First Medical Services, which sells CT and MRI scanners as well as other healthcare technology products. He is also the founder of 20med.com, a new global healthcare search engine. Seth was an engineer for digital imaging companies like Siemens, GE, and Philips before becoming inspired to strike out on his own as an entrepreneur. Now that he has found success in this field, he enjoys mentoring young entrepreneurs and business owners. Having a mentor during the early stages of starting a new business is extremely helpful and can help you find success for a number of reasons.

- A mentor provides you with an objective opinion on all of your business decisions and new ideas. They have been through the process before, and are not biased by the same emotions that you are, meaning that they can offer you a rational and logical perspective on the situation. Having someone to talk through your ideas with, especially someone who has been successful in business in the past, can be a huge help.

- Mentors likely have connections in the business world that can be extremely useful to you. They are going to be far more respected than you are, and can reach out to potential new clients or collaborators on your behalf. They can also use these connections to help you build an audience for your work.

- As Piyush Seth of First Medical Services knows, starting a business can be stressful. Mentors give you someone to lean on throughout the process.